Click on the envelope and it will take you to this awesome site that will print and send Jon the letters absolutely FREE! All you have to do is type it up, press send and then it prints it off and Jon gets asap. He loves the letters and needs the love. Make sure that you send it to PERU LIMA EAST. Thanks everyone!!!

This is close, give or take a few days :). Chow!

Monday, February 23, 2009

23 Febuary 2009--Familia

Hey family,
Sounds like things are going great back there in Utah. Everything is going awesome here in Pichanaki, it seems like time is just flying. It feels like just yesterday I was writing to you, and here we are again with another P-day. This week was preety interesting. On my birthday the day was normal all day, and then we went to teach a new convert family that wanted us to have a family home evening in their house. We were running a little late, but when we got there only the mom was there. She invited us in, but she was kind of Laughing. I thought it was pretty weird, but the next thing I new there were like 40 people running in through the front door with a cake wishing me a happy birthday. It was a complete suprise! These people really are Amazing they threw this huge suprise party for me. I just couldn’t relieve it. The pensionista made me a cake too, so I definitely got my fair share of cake. It was a really awesome birthday, I’m just sad I’m 20 now, I feel like an old man!
Then on Saturday we had an awesome day. We had appointments with practically everyone of our progressing investigators, and they all went great. We have 4 people with bautismal dates for this Saturday. The familia Ereche and a girl named Katherine. The problema is they didn’t asist church yesterday. The familia Ereche had a family problema and couldn’t make it, and Katherine I don’t know what she was doing. So it really was a bummer because we might have to change their bautismal dates for the next week, but we will see what happens. They all have the Desire to be baptized they just need their asistencias. So this week we only had 4 investigators in sacrament meeting, but the church was full again. It was awesome because the stake president came and gave a talk. Sundays are always crazy because we leave about an hour before church and are gathering and calling all of our investigators for church. We really have a bunch that are progressing well. It should be a great next couple of weeks.
Still getting a good run in most days. There are days that nobody wants to get up so I just jump rope, and do push-ups but don-t worry I’m staying in shape. The food is good, the weather is awesome. A lot of rain lately, but I’m living it. Oh Presidente changed the rule so we can eat dinner at members homes on Sundays. We ate at the familia Cerquin yesterday, and she made Chicken, fried bananas, and rice. Then she brought out Lentejas and said I made especially for Elder Lee. Oh it was delicious! Beans and rice, oh I love it.
Well thanks for everything. I love you guys so much, and just want you to know that I know this church is true, and if w estay Sorong in this gospel we are all going t olive together again. I know that God answers our prayers if we do all we possibly can, and put our faith in him. I see my prayers answered daily, and I know that with our faith anything is possible. Thanks for everything. I love you!!

Elder Lee

Monday, February 16, 2009

16 Febuary 2009--Hey, Hey, Hey

Hey everyone, I just had written a long letter and lost the whole thing. Oh I can't stand when that happens. Well everything is going well here in Pichanaki! We had like 81 people in Church yesterday and it filled the church. We had 9 investigators there too! They are really progressing quickly, and we hope to have a few more baptisms this month. I have really learned so much about the gospel out here, and there are amazing experiences everyday. I couldn't be happier here in the work, I just can't believe how fast its flying by. I've already been out here for almost 6 months! Well we are actually in La Merced today, so we have fast internet so I'm going to send a few pictures. We only have like 5 minutes so sorry the letter is so short I seriously just lost like 30 minutes of writing. Oh that is killer. Well I love you guys, and love hearing from you. The work is going great here in Pichanaki, and it is really an experience I will never forget. Love you guys!
Elder Lee

Monday, February 9, 2009

9 Febuary 2009

Hey hey familia, como esta. Just here in pichanaki with the slowest internet in the world. Last week I wasn’t even able to read your e-mails because the internet is so slow. Hey I think that is probably the only bad thing about Pichanaki though. This week was awesome. Yesterday Elder Per and I had two baptisms. My first baptism in the river! It was awesome! I baptized an investigator named Jose Luiz. It was great, and I wish I could send pictures but the internet is so slow it would be imposible to download them. It was the biggest baptism I have had here in Peru though. I swear the whole branch was there. There were like 40 people We also baptized a girl named Juseli Sanchez. We are also planning on a baptism next Saturday with a girl named Maria Sanchez who has the same dad but a different mom. There are a lot of problems down here with people living together that aren’t married. So a lot of our investigators have to get married before we can baptize them. Its so great though to see a couple get married, and after baptized. The familia Sanchez is so awesome, I guess it was rough for them at first and they weren’t really excited about the church, but now they are amazing members that are giving us references like crazy! The Lord is really blessing us to find the people that are ready and willing to listen to our message.
Yesterday we had 7 investigators in Sacrament Meeting, and that was really awesome considering the last 2 weeks we only had 1 each week. We have a family, The familia Ereche that assisted for the first time, and they were really happy and had a great experience. She said she felt Alegria after attending. How happy we were to hear that. With 3 more asistencias and if they come to the baptism this week they could be baptized this month. We are pretty excited for this family. So the work is really going great, and I couldn’t be happier to be here in Pichanaki. It is really like a dream to be serving in the jungle. It is so beautiful, and everything is just awesome. We have an awesome room, and it is a blast living with three other missionaries. The funny thing is we practically live with two brothers that are always helping out with the work. Nilton and Walter, and either one or the other sleeps over at our room practically every night. These guys are really just awesome. I can’t wait to get a faster internet to send pictures!
Oh we had the best P-day ever last Monday. We went to this area of Pichanaki where there are tons of fruit trees and a river, and it was just beautiful. There was a Peruvian guy who lived back in there that had all of these awesome animals. I got to hold his Monkey and Tiger!! How awesome is that. The monkey was pretty good sized, but the tiger was small. It was awesome! We also took some great fotos of the jungle, and other animals. It was awesome. I really couldn’t be happier to be out here right now.
Hey I don’t know if you guys already sent them, but I need stamps badly. I can’t really send any letters and its killing me a little bit. Oh we we went to Huancayo and bought a small Jar of peanut butter and it cost like 5 bucks. Man it was great to see peanut butter again though, oh and Walter has some syrup. Oh I can’t wait to put it on some Pancakes. I’m still saving a butterfinger from the last package too. Oh those are so good, thank you so much. The next package I wouldn’t mind if you sent Peanut butter, and maple syrup too! You guys are the best and I love getting all of your letters. Thanks for writing everyone. Its good to hear everything is going so well at home. Keep up the good work, and know that I love you guys. Can’t wait to chill with you all again. Climb Y mountain and do all that fun stuff. Love you, and thanks for everything! Thank you especially mom for always writing. Love You!
Oh I just read the e-mail about the blog Allison made. Allison you’re the best! Thank you so much. You guys are really awesome, and I miss you a ton. Do I really still have facebook. I’m surprised they haven’t canceled my account because I haven’t used it in so long. I told Nilton to look for Jon Lee, and he said there were so many he couldn’t find it. Good to hear I still have it! Well you guys are awesome, and one of these days I will be able to send some more pictures of the baptism in the river!! Hasta Luego! Nos vemos!
Elder Lee

Monday, February 2, 2009

2 Febuary 2009--Hey family

Hey family, How is everything going this week? Things here in Pichanaki are aweome. We just had stake conference Sunday in La Merced. It was kinda rouge because its hard to bring investigators an hour and a half to La Merced, so we ended up only having one investigador asist this week. Her name is Maria Sanchez, and her date for baptism is for this Saturday. We also have an investigador named Jose Luiz who is going to be baptized Sunday. So the work is really going well. We are finding a lot of great people to teach, and the Lord is really blessing us. We just taught the first lesson to a new family last night, and they were really excited about the message. We hope to help them progress to be baptized this month. Everything really is just going great!
We have some awesome members here. There is a guy named Luis Pastor who was baptized just a month ago, but he always wants to go out and teach with us. It is really awesome how strong his testimony is, and he always is such a great help. He also was in the military for 2 years so he comes to our apartment every morning at 5:30 to work out with us. He has been putting us through some pretty good exercises. It is so awesome! We also have a 15 year old named Jimmy who was baptized 6 months ago, and he likes to come workout with us too. These guys are really the best! Its great how much the new members like to help with the work.
The food continues to be amazing, and they actually have a pizza place here. We have eaten pizza twice already. I’m loving it! The weather is amazing. Its always hot, it rains a lot, but its still not cold when it rains. Its great. I really think this place is like paradise or something like that 
Oh I just remembered I need stamps. I am completely out of stamps, and there is nowhere to buy them here, so if it isn’t too much trouble could you guys send a bunch. Thanks so much, its just hard to send letters without stamps, if you know what I mean. He thanks for everything, and I’m still enjoying that package you guys sent. Those butterfingers are just as amazing as ever!
I got a big bunch of dear elders on Monday, and it was really great to hear everything going on at home. Steph got her liscence!!!! I can’t believe it! Ha ha just joking Steph, be careful out there on the roads. Sounds like that class you are taking is awesome mom, and you are having the opportunity to teach others the same stuff, thats great. Dad hope things are work continue to go well, and it would be awesome if you got your PHD. Andrew keep having fun in Provo, it really sounds like you guys are having a blast. Jen keep up the good work on the cello, I can’t wait to hear your mad skills when I get home. Allison its good to hear you are taking it a little easier, and enjoying yourself. You guys are the best family in the world, keep up all the good work!!