Click on the envelope and it will take you to this awesome site that will print and send Jon the letters absolutely FREE! All you have to do is type it up, press send and then it prints it off and Jon gets asap. He loves the letters and needs the love. Make sure that you send it to PERU LIMA EAST. Thanks everyone!!!

This is close, give or take a few days :). Chow!

Monday, April 27, 2009

27 April 2009--Casi Mayo, woohoo!

Hey family, how is everything going back in good old Provo? Things are going great here in Pichanaki. They just called a new Branch President, from Satipo, and he is awesome. He is really going to help us turn this branch into a ward. He is a return missionary, and he helped turn the branch around in Satipo. It is going to be awesome working with him. Well we reached our goal for April. It was 3 baptisms with 6 confirmations, and we had 5 baptisms with 8 confirmacions. We had three more this weekend. Mary Santa, and 2 sister, Tanya and Maria Rojas. We are working hard with their parents so they can be baptized too, and I think seeing their daughters get baptized is going to help a ton. With a bunch of baptisms in these last 2 weeks we are a little low on investigators now, but we have found a few families that are starting to progress. We have one family, the familia Naupari that need to get married. They have a goal for the end of this month to get married, and we are going to challenge them for their baptism this week.
So the work here is really going well. My companion really doesn’t have his full heart in the work, and it really makes me mad. At times it seems like things of the World are more important to him. Sometimes I want to give him a good kick in the butt, to follow the rules and concentrate more on the work. Well I guess we just end up with companions like that, and it just takes patience. The good thing is I’m forcing him to work hard, and we get along pretty well, but I think I’m ready for a change this next change. It was so great to have companions who were so concentrated on the work. Its all good though, only 3 weeks more.
We really have a lot of work to do now for baptisms this month of May, but we also have the Familia Fernandez that are members that 2 of their kids aren’t baptized. They came to church yesterday, and I think it will be really good to activate the family to see their kids baptized. They are a really awesome family, but sometimes people get ofended and don’t want to come back, but we are going to help them. Everything is going to change with this new President too. Everyone will have home teachers, and everything. I am so excited for how things are going to change, now I really don’t want to leave this next change, but we’ll see what happens. Whatever the Lord wants for me.
Well its really so good to hear from everyone, and I hope you guys are having a blast back home. Keep up the good work, and I am always praying for you. Just remember when we put our faith and prayers together anything is posible. When we keep the commandments, and always put God first it will bring us happiness. I have seen it so many times here in the misión. Thanks for everything. It is always good to hear the great successes. Love You!

Elder Lee

Monday, April 20, 2009

20 April 2009--!3 bautismos en Pichanaki!

Hey family how is everything going back home. We had an awesome week. First of all we had changes and I’m still here in Pichanaki with my companion Elder Maldonado. Elder Smith was the only one that changad from our area. I was pretty bummed because he was hilarious, always complaining about me waking him up to early in the morning. He is hilarious. I’m going to miss everyone saying the 2 fat missionaries! Its hilarious because the people here say it as it is. If you are fat they are going to describe you by that. They always say, The dos gorditos  Its pretty funny.
So one of my favorite familias here in Pichanki was baptized Saturday. Walter and Raquel Salazar were baptized Saturday and confirmed Sunday. Elder Gutierrez and Elder Villanueva also had hno Pablo get baptized Saturday. The familia Salazar have such strong testimonies, and we were really led by the spirit to put their bautismal date. It turned out to be the birthday of Raquel. So everything really turned out awesome, and we gave her a photo in a Picture frame as a present for her birthday. We are really working hard to have at least 2 more baptisms this Saturday. Maria Santa is way excited for her baptism. She used to be a strong Catholic, but alter our first visit we gave her a blessing, and she was literally much better the very next day. Ever since that experience she has been so excited to follow. She hasn’t missed church one Sunday, and she can’t wait for her baptism Saturday. It just shows what the power of the priesthood can do when people put there faith in Christ. It was such an awesome testimony builder for me too.
The weather down here continues to be hot, and the people here are working like crazy. Write now is the harvest for coffee, and everybody has their fields of coffee. Pichanaki is like the home of coffee in Perú I think. It makes it hard to teach sometimos because people g oto their fields for weeks at a time, so at times it is a little harder to find people to teach. There are always people to teach though, and the lord is always helping us find those peple. For my 8 lap run I got my time down to 13:16. Its so nice to be able to work out in the morning, I really think it makes me feel better for the rest of the day. Other than that everything is really going awesome.
My companion continues to be alright. I just think he doesn’t have his full concentration in the work so it makes things a little harder He was acting all sad during the baptism because they both wanted me to baptize them, and they even noticed. It really shouldn’t be like that at all, but things are better now. We’re working hard, and we have a lot progressing, and we’re working through the differences. Couldn’t be happier to be in the Lords work, I’m just sad to see time go by so fast. Well I love you guys and absolutely love hearing from everyone. Talk to you later. Chow!

Love, Jon “Elder Lee”

Monday, April 13, 2009

13 April 2009--iTodo esta muy bien en Pichanaki!

Well this week went awesome. I absolutely love fast Sundays. Everytime we fast I see the blessings practically immediately. Yesterday we went to bring a few investigators to church, and they came all by themselves. It was awesome because a lot of times they say they are going to come, and then don’t show up. We had 3 confirmaciones yesterday, the Hna DINA, Soledad, and Benjamina. Its awesome to see them so animated about the church. We also have the familia Salazar that are way excited for their baptisms next week. The hno Walter stood up in Priesthood meeting and invited everyone to his baptism next Saturday. It made me so happy to see how excited they are. We also had like 5 other investigators in sacrament meeting too. It couldn’t relieve the blessings we recieve when we fast. Everytime I see the blessings instantly. It makes me want to fast like every week!
Well we have changes today, and I’m hoping to stay here in Pichanaki. I love the members, the heat, the food, running, I just love everything here. We have a ton of investigators progressing really well right now, and I really can’t imagine leaving. We’ll see what happens.
Oh P-day last Monday was the most awesome of my misión I think. We went to these waterfalls about an hour out of Pichanaki in a truck. We ended up walking for another 2 hours before we made it to the waterfall. The problem was the trail ended, and the guy that was leading us was a little confused because his old trail had grown over. So we found this guy working on the mountain with his machete, and he cleared a trail until we made it to the waterfall. It was hilarious becuase Elder Smith who is a little fatter was suffering, and yelling. All I could do was laugh, it really was hilarious, and I think everyone fell at least twice, Elder Smith slid down the mountain on his bum. It was really an adventure cutting through the jungle, and we were all so dirty by the time we finished. It really was a blast. I can’t really send pictures because the Internet is so slow, but i’m sure we’ll be going to La Merced in a few weeks so I’ll send them later.
Well I really couldn’t be happier to be out here doing the Lord’s work, and I really see the blessing daily. Keep up the good work at home, and its always great to hear from everyone. Love You!

Elder Lee

Monday, April 6, 2009

06 April 2009--Hola!! Conferencia lo maximo!

Hola Familia!

How are you all doing? Hope everything is going great back there in Utah. Did you guys enjoy conference? I absolutely loved it. We were only able to see priesthood session and the sessions Sunday, but it was amazing. It was so great to see and hear the prophet and the apostles, and they actually had it in English for us too. I loved the talk by Uchtdorf in Priesthood session about concentrating on the little unimportant things in life when we should really be concentrating on the bigger more important things like our families and the gospel. I felt the spirit so strong when he bore testimony of the prophet Thomas S. Monson, and how he actually speaks with God. It was just an amazing conference, and like always it is hard to see it end. Did you guys eat omlets like every other year? I was thinking in the morning, hey they are probably eating Dad’s omlets right now. Well I hope you guys enjoyed the weekend as much as I did.
Well the work here in Pichanaki is going really great. This last week we had a lot of success with progressing investigators. We got a ton of references for one of the sisters in the Rama and they are all progressing so well. It really is amazing how much faster people progress when the members are helping out in the work. The people already have a trust in their friend, and we just help them gain a testimony so they can be baptized. We also have the familia Salazar that have a baptismal date for the 18th of April. I am way excited for them because they have a ton of faith, and with time they will really be leaders in the church here in Pichanaki. So we have a lot progressing we just need to be visiting them every day so they can continue animated for their baptisms, and to teach them more.
Well it continues to get hotter here because we are entering the summer, but I am loving it. The running is going great too, I’ve got my time down to 13:31, oh how great it is to be running and doing the Lord’s work. I couldn’t have asked for better! The crazy thing is that we have changes coming up next Monday. Its hard to believe how fast time is really flying. I guess when your working hard and having fun time just flies. Thanks for everything you guys do for me. I don’t know what I would do without all of the support you have always given. Keep up the good work at home, and next Monday I’ll let you know what is going on with the changes. I’m hoping to stay here in Pichanaki, but whatever the Lord wants. Love you!! Chow!

Elder Lee

Oh and Karen happy Birthday on the 9th, hope everything is going well back at home. Your getting so old!  Ha ha have a good birthday. Chow!

Oh and the mission office changed, here is the new direccion:
Los Agrólogos 368 – Urb. Las Acacias de Monterrico - La Molina – Lima 12 – Perú. Teléfono 01 7178466