Click on the envelope and it will take you to this awesome site that will print and send Jon the letters absolutely FREE! All you have to do is type it up, press send and then it prints it off and Jon gets asap. He loves the letters and needs the love. Make sure that you send it to PERU LIMA EAST. Thanks everyone!!!

This is close, give or take a few days :). Chow!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

15 August 2009--Una Semana en la oficina!

Well lets just say it was an interesting semana here in the office. Elder Goede my trainer left for a week to Machupichu so I was here alone trying to figure out how to do everything. I have learned so much in this week just being alone having to figure everything out. Wednesday I got this urgent e-mail that some journal entries from the president’s credit card needed to be fixed, and I wasn’t really sure how to do it So I ended up calling the guy up and he walked me through a few things to get it all taken care of. It was awesome, it is like journal entries, payments, and everything that I studied before the mission. I’m really loving it. Yesterday I had to make a few big payments on a program we have here, and President is really putting a lot of confidence in me with everything. Its crazy busy here in the awesome though. There are always people calling about lost emergency funds or credit cards, or don’t have enough money for travel, and tons of other stuff. Lets just say it’s a good time, and I think it is helping with my problem solving skills a ton too. So I actually survived my first week alone in the finance office. It was awesome.
We also had a few miracles happen with our investigators this week too. Rosillo the mom that has a baptismal date right now, had a class that was going to be every Sunday for the next year and a half. So we didn’t know if she was going to be able to be baptized. So we told her that God always provides a way for us to keep his commandments, and told her to pray with all her heart to find a solution. Lets just say we were praying like crazy too. It ends up our next visit she told us she had good news. That her professor had changed the classes just that week for Monday and Tuesday, and wanted to know if that was ok with her! I threw my book down and practically jumped for joy, and she was so excited too. She even said, “I didn’t know God answers our prayers that quickly!” It was just an amazing experience, and just shows the power of prayer and faith. The Lord really wants us to be successful! It was amazing. So her and her daughter are really excited for the 29th of this month for their baptisms. Then we received a reference from another mission that we went and contacted, and put a baptismal date the second visit. He is a guy named Johan that was a pretty bad alcoholic, but really wants to turn his life around. He gives such powerful prayers, and you can just tell that he has repented from his heart. He is going to come to a baptism tonight to see how it is, and he is just as excited as ever
So it was an amazing week, and the Lord is really blessing us. I feel really blessed to be financiero, and it is going to help me some much with my career too. Just can’t believe how blessed we are! Thanks for all your prayers and your letters. Love you all!!
Elder Lee
the fotos are our p-day at the beach with presidente. It was awesome!

9 August 2009--Aah Early Cambios!!

Wow has it been the craziest week of my entire mission. You are probably wondering why I’m e-mailing a day early, but lets just say we had some pretty crazy changes this week. Tuesday at about 2 in the afternoon we got a call from President Leyva in our apartment in Huaycan. My companion has been sick so I thought it was for a doctor’s appointment or something. President started asking me how the area was and everything, and then told me he had an invitation for me. He told me I had to be in the mission office Wednesday morning to start my training as the new financial secretary for the mission. Holy cow I was so surprised I actually asked President if he was joking. It turns out that he wasn’t, so here I am in my new office, and I’m going to be the new financial secretary. I’m not going to lie I was pretty sad to leave Huaycan though. We had the hna Yovanna who was going to be baptized yesterday, and another three preparing for next week too. I don’t know how things have turned out, but I hope its all going well. Elder PiƱin doesn’t have a new companion yet so he is in a threesome with the District leader Elder Parsons. It was such an awesome area, it was really just crazy to change so fast.
So the last three days I have had some pretty intense training, because the other financial secretary Elder Goede is a senior missionary and they are letting them go to Machupichu next week. So he has been trying to teach me everything so I can get along on my own for a week. It’s a little overwhelming, but I’m getting the hang of it. I’ve already had to call salt lake to order new credit cards, pay vendors, and deal with missionaries problems. It’s a pretty busy job, and we’ll see what happens this next week, but I’m feeling pretty comfortable with what I have to do. The awesome thing is I love everything to do with finances, so I’m really liking the new calling The awesome thing is we have time to proselyte every night too. I’m going to miss proselyting all day long, but we at least get to do some good work at night. I’m with Elder Myler and Elder Hernandez right now, and we found 2 new families the first day, and we already have a mother and a daughter that are preparing for baptism for the 29th of August! I’m in another ward now, and they all seem just great, and it seems like the members are willing to help a lot.
So it has been a big unexpected change, but everything is coming along. Our preparation days are Saturdays now so I will be e-mailing on Saturdays. For p-day yesterday we went to President Leyva’s house, and were with the President and his family all day. Hna Leyva made lasagna! I haven’t had it in like a year it was so good, and then we cooked dinner for them, under the instructions of Elder Myler. Lets just say it was a blast, and we went to the beach too. It looks like there are a few pluses to being in the mission office, but I am so glad we have time to teach the gospel too, there are opportunities all day to share. Its going to be an interesting few months.
Well I love you all, and I just love hearing how everyone is doing back home. Thanks for all of your love and support, and I can’t wait to hear from you.

Love, Elder Lee