Click on the envelope and it will take you to this awesome site that will print and send Jon the letters absolutely FREE! All you have to do is type it up, press send and then it prints it off and Jon gets asap. He loves the letters and needs the love. Make sure that you send it to PERU LIMA EAST. Thanks everyone!!!

This is close, give or take a few days :). Chow!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

20 February 2010--Crazy days in the mission

Wow, it has been a crazy few days.  Thank you for all of the awesome e-mails and letters though.  I really enjoyed reading them.  I really can't believe I'm 21 now, I feel like an old man  We got a new e-mail address and its pretty sweet.  I can put real smilies now.  Really thanks for everything you all do for me, I am just so blessed with the best family and friends ever.  Thank you. 
We just went to a chinese buffet with Presidente and his family, and I am so full I think I might throw up.  He wanted to celebrate E' Parsons and my birthday so we went out for chinese.  Who would have thought I would end up liking chinese food so much, when I wouldn't even touch it back home.  Its some good stuff.  Our pensionista Hna Magaly has the same birthday as me, so it was pretty awesome!  There was also another elder that came to the office yesterday and it was his birthday too.  It was pretty crazy.  Way cool though.  I have some pretty cool pictures, but they are in the Hna Magaly´s camera so it will just have to be next week.  We didn't end up getting to bed until about 12, because a missionary from Cerro de Pasco (one of the highest cities in the world) came down with a problem with his pancreas, so they had to bring him in ambulance.  He slept in the house so we had to be running errands, and go find the doctor to bring him to the house.  It was pretty crazy.  It was an awesome birthday though.  We got a few good lessons in.  We have been going around with Jorge, and he is with us every night just loving teaching the gospel.  He's great.  We taught a new investigator named Eva, that is just waiting for an answer to her prayers and she said if she gets it she will be baptized.  We are going to teach Suzanne (from canada) and Ceasar tonight too.  the Hna Suzanne has a few more doubts than Hno Ceasar, but they are progressing and really enjoy being in the church and the people there.  We also have Reuben who is going to be baptized next saturday, and hopefully a young man named Krishna too.  So the work is moving forward.  Today we were in the church for a while because I had to go reembulse the stake Presidents for their travel here.  It was funny because I was texting President because he was in the meeting.  I can't text as fast as I used to be able to though.  I've been out of practice ,)  So its really been a good week, and a great birthday.  It just made it all that much better reading your e-mails today too.  Thanks for everything. 
Hey dad, the taxes look great, and I'm looking forward to the refund.  Thanks a lot for getting that set up for me.  You can just go ahead and send it off, it looks good to me.  Hey thanks for getting those shoes ordered too.  I just got my other pair fixed up, but they are wearing down pretty good.   I have the other 2 pairs that should last to the end though.  That is so awesome you went and putted at Oqquirh hills again.  We have had some many good times over there.  I also talked to President and Hna Leyva about my classes, and they said that it is really my decision.  That I need to pray about it, and do what the spirit tells me.  I just don't want to get way behind in my classes starting right off.  So we'll have to see.  I'm praying though.  They said if I have to leave a week early it isn't a problem though.  So I guess I just need to pray, and then make the decision so we can move forward.  I'm not really too sure about housing either, I think I might do the same as I did freshman year, and get one of the cheaper off campus apartments.  So if you could look into those dad, that would be just fine.  I think on campus would be awesome for Steph though.  There are so many activities and everything, she will really love it.   Hey and thanks for all the research and stuff you are doing for me, you don't realize how much it helps.  I will be letting you know as soon as possible what the decision is, to come home a week early or no. 
Well I love you guys, and thanks for everthing.  Keep up the good work, an I'll be talking to you next week.  
Elder Lee
Oh and tell BJ that I got his letter, and it was so good to hear from him.  I'm going to get a letter off soon.  Chowwww!!!! 

Saturday, February 13, 2010

13 February 2010--Re: Friday February 12th

Hola Familia!

Thanks for the awesome e-mail.  Sounds like you guys are going to have a blast this weekend.  It really exites me to hear about SUU and everything too.  I really don't know if I should come home a week early or just go a week late to college.  Because I guess the first week of classes isn't too difficult, but I really don't know.  What do you guys think would be best?  I thought I had more time to make this decision, but the time has really flown, and I guess I have to make it pretty soon.  I really don't even know where I'm going to live, or even who I'm going to live with.  Just let me know what ideas you have.  I don't know if you could get a hold of Cam and find out where he is living.  I guess Shay is going to be married, so I guess that cuts him out of the roommate picture.  Or I could do what I did Freshman year, and just live in Cedar West again.  We'll see what happens. 

Well the work is going great as always.  We haven't been able to teach as much as we wanted this week because we had the Zone Leader counsel, and everything goes crazy with 24 zone leaders in the house.  President invited me to join the counsel too, even though I'm just district leader.  I really learned a ton of things that are really going to help out in our work.  Like we went over and discussed each of the Key indicators, and how they will be counted.  Like how we count new investigators, and each lesson.  It’s pretty much just following exactly what it says in Preach My Gospel.  It’s amazing how Preach My Gospel clears up any doubt you have in missionary work.  It is really inspired, and when we follow what it says we will have success in the work. 

We have a new couple Susan and Cesar.  Susan is from Canada and Caesar is from Peru.  They came to church for the second time Sunday, and everyone really welcomed them as if they were part of the family.  It was great, and they really had a good experience.  Susan went to the class in English, but when they finished she said, "Elder Lee, that was not an introductory class!"  I had never attended the English class, but it is full of all the temple workers and everything, and I didn't realize that it would be so complicated.  It worried me a little bit, but next week we are going to take her to the Spanish class with Caesar, and I will just translate for her.  They are progressing really well though, they just haven't gained their testimony of the Book of Mormon.  Which really is the most important part.  So that is what we are working on right now, and hopefully they will be baptized at the end of this month.  We are praying hard for them. 

We also have an investigator name Branco from Yugoslavia, and he is awesome.  He has come the last three Sundays, and really loves being in the church.  We watched The Restoration with him in the language of Serbia or something like that, but he understood it, so it’s all good.  It’s awesome how it has so many languages to choose from.  We have two recent converts that are just excited as ever to get out in the mission field.  Andres who was baptized in October is going to Mission Prep classes starting this Tuesday, and is going to go around proselyting with us tonight.  We also have Jorge that is going to receive the Priesthood this Sunday.  He bore his testimony for the first time last Sunday.  I told him I would go first if he bore his testimony, and he did it.  It was awesome because President Marcus B. Nash of the 70 attends our ward, and he thanked Jorge for his testimony.  It was awesome.  I was also able to present our investigators to President Nash too, it was way cool.  He even told the Hna Susan that she is in good hands, and pointed to Elder Rojas and I.  It was way cool. 

Thanks for everything you do for me.  I really don't know what I would do without a family that is so supportive and loving, and I can't wait to hang out with you guys again.  Keep up the good work, and enjoy your 4 day weekend.  Love you!!


Elder Lee

Saturday, February 6, 2010

6 Febuary 2009--This Week in Review

Hola Familia,
How is everyone doing back home?  I got a bunch of your dear elder letters this week, and it was awesome to get one from everyone in the family.  It just sounds like everyone is doing really well.  Steph and Andrew, GOOD LUCK AT STATE!!!  You guys really have put a lot into it this year, and its just good to hear your giving it all you got.  Allison, keep up the good work with your Stats class, and that’s crazy you are going to Syria.  Jen, sounds like your acting is going awesome.  Mom and Dad, working hard as always, its good to hear.  Keep up the good work    
The work of the Lord continues to go extremely well down here in Peru.  The hna Jeannette finally got baptized last Sunday, and we are so happy that the day of her baptism finally arrived.  She has been attending church faithfully since October, and it was just great to see her finally reach her goal  She just couldn’t be happier right now.  The hna Jeannette and Anthony (her son) are really strong members.  Anthony actually gave his first talk in sacrament meeting Sunday.  It was awesome, and he didn’t seem nervous at all, even though he had to give it in such a huge ward like Mayorazgo.  We were so proud of him.   
He really can’t wait to go on the mission too, he’s only 14 though so its still going to be a little bit.  We also have Jorge that received the Holy Ghost Sunday, and he is just as awesome as ever.  He went around proselyting with us the other day, and it was an amazing lesson.  We taught a new investigator named Cristian that came with quite a few doubts, but we taught The Restoration, and I think he really left satisfied.  What helped a lot with the lesson was Jorge’s testimony.  He was completely sincere, and its great because he only came to know the church a little over a month ago, and he is able to testify of the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon and the Church.  He is just awesome, and he really can not wait to get out into the field.  He doesn’t want to wait a whole year to get out there.  I just couldn’t be any more excited for our recent converts. 
            We still have been running like crazy too, I think we have missed only about one day in about a month.  That’s what I’m talking about!  My leg started hurting a little though, like I pulled that muscle in the side of my leg before.  I just remember before the 4th of July 5k that Sam just about killed my leg rubbing it out for me, and I’m pretty sure I have the same thing.  If I give it a good massage before I start running it doesn’t bother me though, so its all good.  Thanks to Sam for teaching me that trick.  In the morning before going to the office we go to the pension for breakfast.  The Hna Magaly is the best.  She usually gives us delicious bread with jelly, oatmeal, yogurt with cereal.  We are really blessed.  She also told me to say Hi to you guys for her.  She is really great.  So then we are in the office until about 4.  I always have to be yanking my companion out of the office, but once we get out we get some good work in.  We usually can get quite a bit done if we get out of the office by 4, but if not I just feel like the day is wasted.  Its been going well though.  I just have to help my companion to be a little more animated about the work at times.  The office really can kill people if they aren’t excited to get out and work, because there is an excuse, and there are a few that always use that excuse.  Its sad, but the good thing is we have some great investigators so it is a little easier to yank him out of the office. 
  Well I just couldn’t be happier to be down here in the work of the Lord, and thank you for all of your support always.  I’m always praying for you guys, and its so great to hear everyone is doing so well.  Keep up the good work, and I’ll talk to you next week.

Elder Lee