Click on the envelope and it will take you to this awesome site that will print and send Jon the letters absolutely FREE! All you have to do is type it up, press send and then it prints it off and Jon gets asap. He loves the letters and needs the love. Make sure that you send it to PERU LIMA EAST. Thanks everyone!!!

This is close, give or take a few days :). Chow!

Monday, August 16, 2010

16 August 2010--Nos Vemos Jueves!!!!

Wow, it is hard to believe the time has finally come.  It is beginning to hit me that I am going to be home in 3 days, and I just can't believe it.  I don't need anything for the trip home, I actually started packing my stuff last night because I don't think there is going to be much time these last days.  Wow, I am way excited to get back home studying and running again.  I really can't wait to see you guys too, It is going to be awesome.  I'm kind of sad Steph and Allison aren't going to be there, but I will be seeing them soon so I am not to worried.  I'm just way excited to be with my family again.  I'm going to start thinking about what I can share for my talk on Sunday.  It is going to be weird giving a talk in English after 2 years of giving talks in Spanish, but we'll see how it goes.  I'm going to share some of the experiences I have had too.  I just can't believe that after two years I'm going to be with you guys in 3 days.  Its incredible!!
The work is going amazing as always.  The hardest thing for me is going to be having to leave all of the wonderful people here in Huancayo.  I just absolutely love our converts and the members here, and it is going to be like leaving a second family.  Its going to be awesome because we have a baptism this Tuesday right before I head home.  I don't know if you guys remember Marilù and her family, but they were baptized about 2 months ago.  Well out of the 7 in their family 4 were baptized, and their other daughter of 15 years always says that she is Catholic and that she feel fine in her church.  The other night we watched the video "Together Forever" with her, and she completely changed and said, "Hnos, I want to be baptized."  It was amazing, after 4 months teaching this family and she finally felt the spirit, and she couldn't be more excited to be baptized.  This family is seriously one of my favorite families in the world.  Last night we went to visit them, and thier daughter Sarah of 7 years was balling saying that she wanted me to baptize her.  I am so sad because she is going to be 8 years old this Sunday.  She has been telling me to tear up my ticket so I won't go yet.  I promised them that I am going to call Sunday for her birthday and baptism though.  I told them that I am going to come next summer to visit them, so we need to do a family trip or something.  The hna Marilù really wants to meet you guys.  We were with the familia Portacarrero yesterday too, and we need to be here for their sealing next year, so it all should work out pretty good  I just want you guys to know the people here.   They are seriously so amazing, since the first visit they treat you like you are a member of their family.  I am going to miss Peru so much.  I guess it is just time for the next step in my life.  It is just so hard to let the mission go  There is really nothing better than bring the gospel to people that need it so much.  This is the good life!!
Well can't wait to see you guys, and have some fun for a few days.  The thing that helps me feel better about leaving the mission is being with the family again.  Thanks for all of your love and support, and I guess this is the last e-mail of my mission.  OHHHHHHH YEEEEAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!  Love you all!!!
Elder Lee
There is a picture of the familia Portacarrero too. 

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