Click on the envelope and it will take you to this awesome site that will print and send Jon the letters absolutely FREE! All you have to do is type it up, press send and then it prints it off and Jon gets asap. He loves the letters and needs the love. Make sure that you send it to PERU LIMA EAST. Thanks everyone!!!

This is close, give or take a few days :). Chow!

Monday, July 12, 2010

12 July 2010--Oooohhhhh Yeaaaahhhh!!

Wow, this week had to be one of the best weeks in my mission.  There were just so many good things that happened I just don't know where to start.  First I had my doctors appointment in Lima on Wednesday.  I went did a blood test, and when I saw the results everything looked normal.  I went into the doctor, who did a bunch of tests on me, and I just about jumped for joy when he told me I was healthier than su assistant!  The first thing I asked him was if I could do excercise again, and he said I could do all I wanted.  Wow, was I happy.  Elder Hurtado and I have the goal to go running everyday for the rest of my mission.  Its crazy running here though, because its such a high altlitude.  I think its like 3,500 Meters above sea level, but it is awesome for training because there isn't that much air.  Its great.  I can eat whatever I want now too, oh what a blessing.  I've been eating boiled chicken with rice and vegetables for like 2 months straight.  Its going to be nice to switch things up a little bit. 
       So as the week went on things just kept getting better.  We were a little low on new investigators because we have been doing a lot of divisions trying to animate the zone.  So Saturday Elder Hurtado and I were back together again, and we were just ready to give it our all for our area.  We decided to do a fast after lunch Saturday, and the blessings just started coming immediately.  We taught a new family that we contacted in the street, and they were just ready to hear the gospel.  We challenged them to assist with us to church Sunday, and they accepted immediately.  So Sunday mornimg we had to do divisions with two young men because we had so many investigators to pick up.  I ended up bringing two families, and Elder Hurtado 2 more.  By the end of Sacrament Meeting we had 16 investigators in the meeting.  I could not believe it, and everyone was just excited to be there!!  I think I'm going to be fasting every week for the rest of my mission!!  
        It was our turn to give talks in Sacrament meeting too.  My companion talked about Enduring to the End, and I talked about the importance of reading the Book of Mormon everyday.  We handed out a bunch of papers that the ward members could color as they read each chapter in the Book of Mormon, and everyone was just way excited.  So many members came up to us after the meeting giving us references I was just absolutely amazed.  Its amazing what happens when you gain the confidence of the ward members, everyone just gets excited about the work.  We seriously have tons of people coming up to us wanting to go around and teach.  I seriously can't believe it.  
        Then things just kept getting better.  We had the baptism of Sheyla Sunday night, but she gave us a huge scare.  She said she would be at her house, but her boyfriend had taken her some place, and he didn't want her to get baptized.  We were really worried, and we got ahold of her, and were talking to her in the street for a good 15 minutes.  After sharing our testimonies with her she said that she was going to be baptized.  How much we suffered, but she came and was baptized just as happy as ever.  I have realized that sometimes things just don't come that easy in the Lords work, but you can never give up.  The Lord always wins, we can just never be disanimated.  I seriously don't think the Lord has blessed me this much in my whole life.  We have changes next week, and if they change me from this area I think I'm going to die.  I don't think I've felt this good in the whole mission.  My companion is the best that I have had, and it just seems like we are always on the same page.  This next week we have appointments about every 30 min.  I don't know how we are going to do it, but its going to be a good time :)  
         Well thanks for everything.  I really love you guys and all you do for me.  Thanks for always writing too.  There was a great suprise that Andrew wrote me too.  Love You!!!
Elder Lee 
Oh that is so awesome that Bro. Wall is bishop, he has really always been one of my favorite people.  I definitely want to go visit before I'm off to college. 

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