Click on the envelope and it will take you to this awesome site that will print and send Jon the letters absolutely FREE! All you have to do is type it up, press send and then it prints it off and Jon gets asap. He loves the letters and needs the love. Make sure that you send it to PERU LIMA EAST. Thanks everyone!!!

This is close, give or take a few days :). Chow!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

19 July 2010--5 Bautismos, un Matrimonio!! Yeah Yeah

This week was just as awesome as the last, if not better.  We have been working hard all week long, and it really paid off.  This Saturday we had 5 more baptisms!!  It was great.  We had Carlos and Victor, 2 brothers that have been attending church for quite some time.  We also had the hna Maria and her son Jhonny, which was a great experience with them.  The hna Maria Friday before her baptism Saturday had become a little disanimated and she didn't know if she wanted to be baptized.  So we shared our testimonies with her, and a few experiences, and we said we would talk with her more Saturday morning before the baptism.  It was great because when we arrived she and her son Jhonny were just as excited as ever for their baptism.  This happened just after we had started our fast.  It really is amazing the blessings the Lord gives us when we sacrifice a little.  Then we had another young man named Renzo that was baptized too.  It was just an amazing experience.  Everything just seems to go much better when we are fasting.  The other thing that was awesome this weeekend was the marriage of Nestor and Haydee.  They were going to get married last month, but there were some complications and they weren't able to do it.  Saturday morning they got married, and we have their baptism planned for next Sunday!!  They are such a great couple, and they really have recognized how much the gospel is really blessing their lives.  For next Sunday we also have a mother and daughter, Mercedez and Fabiola.  They are hilarious, everytime we ask the hna Mercedez if she is excited for her baptism she gives us two thumbs up, and says, "Yes! Yes!"  Its pretty hilarious.  We also have another brother named Victor Tecona that was going to be baptized when I first came to the area, but he has had some difficulties coming to church because he is in the military.  He heard I was leaving soon though, and he said that I had to baptize him before I left.  It was awesome.  The blessings this week were really uncountable.  We also have another investigator named Edith, that has been attending church we are just trying to excite her for her baptism.  So hopefully we can have like 6 more baptisms the next week!!!
Things in the ward are going awesome too.  I don't think I have had a ward down here in Peru so excited to help out in the work.  Everytime we see a ward member they are either giving us a reference or asking when they can go around and teach with us.  Its just amazing.  I really couldn't be happier here in the Lords work.  I absolutely love Huancayo!  What makes things even better is we are getting a good run in everyday too.  I challenged my companion to run with me everyday until I finish, and I think he is going to do it.  The good life. 
Its good to hear everything is going so well back home.  Its just sad that the summer is passing so fast, but I guess that is how it always is.  Keep up the good work, and thanks for everything you do for me.  Love You!!!
Elder Lee
The pictures are of the baptism, and in Nestor and Haydee's house that just got married. 

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