Click on the envelope and it will take you to this awesome site that will print and send Jon the letters absolutely FREE! All you have to do is type it up, press send and then it prints it off and Jon gets asap. He loves the letters and needs the love. Make sure that you send it to PERU LIMA EAST. Thanks everyone!!!

This is close, give or take a few days :). Chow!

Monday, July 12, 2010

6 July 2010

Wow, sounds like the last week has been awesome.  I was thinking of what you guys were doing for the 4th, and it sounds like it was a blast.  Its definitely my favorite holiday.  Don't you guys worry next year I'll be in the 5k with you too.  Thats awesome that practically the whole family did the 5k.  Some pretty awesome times too.  Mom congratulations on your first 5k, now next year you just have to beat your time.  I am just way excited about hearing how well everything went.  Sounds like the fireworks were amazing too. 
This week was another awesome week in the Lords work.  We had the confirmations of Marilu and her family, and Miguel, and they are just as happy and excited as ever.  Marilu already has presented us one of her friends that already wants to be baptized.  Her testimony is already so strong, it is just great.  I seriously love their family.  We also took Miguel around proselyting with us, and we made him contact a few people.  It was awesome, he was really nervous to do it at first, but he actually even got us a new investigator.  We are just so happy with them.  I just can't believe how much the lord is blessing us right now.  We had an amazing fast sunday.  Carlos and Victor are two brothers that have been attending church for like 2 months, and they always have a ton of doubts.  This sunday we taught the Plan of Salvation, and instead of all of their doubts they accepted everything.  We couldn't believe it.  We challenged them for the 17th of July, and the accepted directly.  We were so happy, and we know it was a blessing from the fast.  We also have a family of three Maria, Jose, and Jhonny that we are teaching, and they are also excited to be baptized the 17th.  I just couldn't be happier with how everything is going right now.  The Lord is really blessing us.  Then in church Sunday they said there were more people than they had ever seen in sacrament meeting.  It was so full there were people standing in the back.  It was awesome, and all of the members were coming up to us giving us references!  We were so suprised.  I think we need to fast every week!!

Yesterday we had P-day with Hna Leyva and her daughters.  Presidente was supposed to come but he had to stay in Lima, so he didn't make it until the multizone conference at 5 pm.  We had an awesome P-day though.  We took a tour of the valley of Mantaro.  We went to a few places that had art stuff, a milk factory that had delicious cheese, a way old Catholic Cathedral, and then a place were the raise trout.  It was an awesome p-day, but the conference after was even better.  When Presidente Leyva was giving his training about becoming as Christ and our journey to achieve this.  I just felt the spirit so strong, and I felt that I don't want my time as a misionary to end so quickly.  I love the mission, and I just feel so happy right now.  I'm really going to miss Presidente and his family too.  We'll be in contact though, that is the good thing. 
Oh and they told me they already sent you my flight plans.  Have you gotten them.  I guess I'm going to be leaving at like 10pm the 18th and so I should be arriving sometime on the 19th.  At like 3 in the afternoon I think.  Wow, I just can't believe the time is coming up so fast.  Tim goes home in like 19 days too.  That is crazy.  I am way excited to be with everyone again though.  Its going to be a good time.  Well thanks for everything, and I'm excited to hear more next week.
Oh and I have a doctors appointment tomorrow, and I'm praying that he says I'm good to go with full excercise.  I think I might stick with the diet though.  My body really feels much better when I don't eat food with a lot of oil and fat.  It keeps me from having diarrea too, and thats always a good thing :)  Thanks for everything.  Nos Vemos
Elder Lee

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